Here's the first edition of our video newsletter for 2025. Click HERE if you'd like to register to participate in the Del Mar Village Association's Community Clean Up on January 18.
Toni Mecaro
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Del Mar!
It is an incredible honor to serve as president of our club for the Rotary Year 2024-2025 as we celebrate the Magic of Rotary.
The Magic of Rotary lies in its ability to build connections and foster understanding between people of different backgrounds and cultures, bringing people together to make a positive impact on their communities and the world. I joined this club in 2020, and every day since I have been in awe of the contributions our members make that support Rotary's 7 areas of service:
- Peace and Conflict Prevention / Resolution
- Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Water and Sanitation
- Maternal and Child Health
- Basic Education and Literacy
- Economic and Community Development
- Supporting the Environment
The Rotary Club of Del Mar creates opportunities for people to come together, learn from each other, and collaborate on meaningful initiatives that have a lasting, positive impact. The members of our club provide scholarships for students, support humanitarian projects, and participate in local community service efforts harnessing the power of collective action and goodwill to effect positive change.
We are committed to making a difference in the lives of others. If you are interested in finding out how you can make a difference, spreading a message of hope and service that transcends borders and boundaries, please join us at an upcoming meeting.
Toni Mecaro
This video summarizes just a few of our recent projects and the Magic of Rotary

What’s Rotary?
Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.

Six of our members leave this week for a friendship exchange to the Tamil Nadu region in southern India. They’ll attend meetings of several clubs, visit Rotary projects, and explore historic Hindu temples and other sites. The exchange will continue in late April, when our hosts will come to visit District 5340. We hope that you’ll participate in the exchange; email Janice Kurth to learn about ways you show our guests the beauty of District 5340.

Dawn Cox completed all the tasks for new members, so membership chair Dee House waved her magic wand at the December 19 meeting to convert Dawn's badge from red to "blue". We were delighted that Dawn’s daughter Brylee could join us. We now have a free red badge and we'd love to pin it on a new member soon!

Our club secretary’s Susan Maronde’s son Harrison is part of Burrito Boyz. For the past 640 Sundays, Burrito Boyz teen volunteers have come together to assemble and serve hot breakfast burritos to unsheltered individuals in San Diego’s downtown. They also provide comfort and hygiene items. Each week, the teen volunteers are asked to learn the stories of at least two people whom they’ve helped. In January, Burrito Boyz will be offering warm clothing to the people they serve. Please bring new or gently-used warm clothing to the January 9 meeting and Susan will contribute this clothing for distribution on an upcoming Sunday. If you can't make the meeting, email Susan to arrange a dropoff.

Also on January 18, we have another sleeping cottage project in partnership with the Mission Circle of the St. James Catholic church in Solana Beach. We’ll be at the Unicorn Village in Vista, which serves youth at risk for homelessness, to finish out interiors of sleeping cottages. Work will start at noon. Email Pat Caughey if you’d like to help.

The Del Mar Village Association is sponsoring a community cleanup on Saturday January 18 from 10AM to 11:30AM. Register in advance by visiting the event link in the video description. Participants are encouraged to wear gloves and bring a water bottle and reusable bag or bucket, as well as a trash grabber if they have one.

Earlier in 2024 the Global Grant we partnered on to renovate the maternity ward at Prince Regent Charles Hospital in Bujumbura, Burundi was completed. Dugan Lamoise reported on our efforts to build on that success through a Global Grant to renovate the hospital’s neonatal ward. In addition to this renovation work, we plan to partner on another Global Grant that will supply critical equipment and support for neonatal care training for the medical staff.
Rosalie Morin-Doré, the niece of our Past President Brett Mattei, is a nurse practitioner with clinical experience working in regions of Canada that, like Burundi, are under-resourced and remote. Rosalie was eager to contribute to a Rotary International project, and she recently spent a week at Prince Regent Charles Hospital rounding with the clinicians and documenting practices to understand the training and equipment needs that would be best addressed by a Global Grant. During her visit Rosalie trained the ward staff on kangaroo mother care with guidance from Drs. Karin Davies and Pat Bromberger, who were leads on our Global Grant in the Gondar region of Ethiopia. Rosalie’s work will be instrumental for a critical part of any Global Grant, the needs assessment and we’re grateful for her contributions to our ongoing work in Burundi.

We were honored that Del Mar Mayor Tracy Martinez took some time to update our members on important city issues. Mayor Martinez focused on three projects: the undergrounding program, affordable housing plans, and train track relocation. The undergrounding program is in response to Measure Q and funded by a one cent sales tax. The multi-year project will replace overhead electricity and telecom cables with buried lines and proceed across eight districts. Pilot work around Tewa Court and 10th street is already complete. Mayor Martinez said that skyrocketing construction costs over the past years present a major challenge, but the city remains committed to completing the work. For affordable housing, Mayor Martinez emphasized the importance of ensuring that the number of affordable units defined by the Regional Housing Needs Allocation, is appropriate. One option the city is exploring is construction of around 60 units on the Del Mar fairgrounds. Mayor Martinez ended with a discussion of the three options SANDAG presented to relocate the train tracks that run along Del Mar. Option A removes above-ground track in Del Mar with trains entering and exiting a tunnel between Carmel Mountain Road and the 56. The underground tracks would run along the 5 before returning to the coast beneath the San Dieguito Lagoon and connecting with tracks near the fairgrounds. The Fairgrounds North tunnel would start south of the Solana Beach station and travel under the fairgrounds. Option B also has a tunnel starting in Carmel Valley that exits near Jimmy Durante Boulevard, which would be raised for the tunnel. Tracks would be buried under part of the Torrey Pines reserve and the City of Del Mar rather than lagoon. Option C has the shortest tunnel that enters near the Torrey Pines State Beach north parking lot and exits under Jimmy Durante Boulevard. A bridge would carry the tracks over the lagoon. The portal infrastructure for this option could enter residential properties. Mayor Martinez said that for Del Mar, the highest priority is to minimize the need for eminent domain and avoid options that involve portals.
Here's the latest edition of our video newsletter. We remember our last surviving charter member, Monty Woolley, who recently passed away.
Here's the latest edition of our video newsletter that highlights some of our club's recent activities and upcoming events.

Debbie King of the CRC (center) with Community Service Chair Steven McDowell (left) and President-Elect Pat Caughey, whose wife Jenny is a CRC volunteer
Debbie King, Senior Director for Donor Relations of the Community Resource Center (CRC) was our speaker for the September 5, 2024 meeting. Debbie is also the current president of the Rotary Club of Vista. Celebrating the 45th anniversary of its founding, CRC currently helps over 7,000 clients annually to have healthy food, stable homes and safe relationships. To expand its impact, in 2022 the CRC began a $10 million capital campaign, One Community • One Heart, to upgrade their main campus in Encinitas. Construction is slated to begin in 2025 and will provide an accessible building that has efficient workspaces for CRC staff and meeting spaces both for confidential appointments and educational workshops for CRC clients. The new Food & Nutrition building will have a sheltered entry walkway that leads to an interior reception area that offers clients needed privacy and dignity as they wait for service. The building also has increased storage and intake area for food and supplies, and includes a flexible space for cooking demonstrations that instruct clients on how to prepare and enhance their family meals. Debbie addressed questions about the evolution of the holiday baskets, which were a favorite volunteer opportunity for members. The CRC now gives clients gift cards to area retailers. These gift cards give families served by the CRC greater choice and the ability to select items that are tailored to their needs.

Four generations of Rotary (l to r): Klaus Gubernator, Kathy Reed, Betsy Winsett, Dee House
We're delighted to welcome Betsy Winsett as our newest member. Betsy is "fourth generation" Rotary in terms of member sponsors: Dee House (far right) sponsored Klaus Gubernator, who sponsored Kathy Reed (second from left), who sponsored her good friend Betsy Winsett for membership. Friendships are just one way that Rotary International grows!

Diane Crawford with her husband Michael Crawford
The annual visit of the District Governor is always a highlight on our calendar. District Governor Diane Crawford is a member of the Rotary Club of Southeast San Diego and has been a Rotarian since 1997. She was District 5340 Rotarian of the Year for 2011/2012. Diane served on the District 5340 Leadership team to assist 16 District Governors in a variety of roles, including Assistant Governor, District Membership Chair and Strategic Planning Chair. For all these roles, Diane drew on her broad expertise in sales and business management.

Toni Mecaro hands over a check in thanks for a rescue from Lifeguard Rick Schwering. A post-rescue gathering (l to r): Lifeguard Rick Schwering, Lifeguard Amara Dumas, Toni Mecaro, Lifeguard Mark Tankserly, Deputy Chief Mark Rathsam, Chief Jon Edelbrock photo credit, Susan Maronde
There’s no end to the fun of being president of the Rotary Club of Del Mar. Last month President Toni Mecaro was in the winner’s circle at the Del Mar Racetrack, and this month she was saved from going over a cliff by the Del Mar Lifeguards. In gratitude for their help, Toni handed her rescuers a check to support rescue training and other activities of the lifeguards that help keep residents and visitors of Del Mar safe.

Toni Mecaro recognized as a Major Donor

Pat Dougherty joined the Bequest Society

Susan Maronde (lower right) became a Paul Harris Fellow and Sharon Schendel is now PHF-3
District Governor Diane Crawford honored our club’s commitment to the Rotary Foundation by recognizing several members. President Toni Mecaro received recognition as a Major Donor. Toni donated all commissions she earned in organizing the District 5340 cruise in April to the Rotary Foundation. Pat Dougherty was honored for joining the Bequest Society, whose members make provisions for Rotary in their estate planning. Susan Maronde received her first Paul Harris pin and Sharon Schendel received her PHF+3 pin. Gifts to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world.

Donna and Don Fipps picked up their latest Canine Companions puppy, Hayden VII, at the McClellan Palomar Airport in Carlsbad last week. Hayden is Donna’s ninth Canine Companions puppy and she will split her time between the Fipps’ home and the home of co-raiser Elizabeth Connors. Donna’s previous puppy, Rosebud, is continuing to do well in her advanced training at Oceanside and if all goes well, she’ll graduate in November.

Scenes from the social (l to r): Dee House with Mark Barry (wearing a recent find from the St. Peter's Thrift Shop), members waiting for their scoop, owner Sarah Wynn personally scooped the ice cream
After our regular meeting, many of our members walked three blocks south to Wynston’s Scoop Shop in Del Mar for an ice cream social. Founder and Owner Sarah Wynn kindly opened the shop a bit early and personally scooped a variety of different flavors on offer. Some flavors, including Blue Moon (Michiganders, IYKYK) are always there (personal thumbs-up for Perfect PBC) and others rotate, so there’s always something new to try. We’re grateful to Wynston’s for offering tastes at the Sunset Soirée.

If you have gently used Halloween costumes, please give them to Janice Kurth before October 1 so she can deliver them to the Del Mar Solana Beach Rotary Club’s costume drive for Support the Enlisted Project (STEP). Many enlisted families have challenges providing basic needs and Halloween costumes can be outside their means.

The annual Don Lapham Memorial Dinner to benefit the Mexican American Educational Guidance Association (MAEGA) will be Tuesday September 3 at Tony’s Jacal restaurant in Solana Beach (click HERE to watch a video about Tony’s Jacal- an icon in the San Diego restaurant world). Tickets are $25 and include an enchilada-taco combination plate with beans, rice and salad. Click HERE to purchase tickets online (donations can also be made at this site).

The 20th annual Sunset Soirée is Tuesday September 10! Encourage your friends and family to join us for this exciting event. Remember that ALL club members must purchase two tickets (married couples who are both members purchase one ticket each). Click HERE for a quick guide to ticket purchase and securing bid numbers for you and your guests. Click HERE to download a PDF of the guide.

In the shadow of the Rotary clock is another enhancement to the Village of Del Mar, a tile installation at the Jim Watkins Amphitheater outside the L’Auberge hotel. Suzy and Karl Wagner spearheaded this project and many members, foremost member Jim Watkins, made donations to make the installation a reality. Our club is particularly grateful to members Pat Caughey for overseeing the work and to Linda Groom for helping find artists to render the tile design.

Upper left (l to r) Pat Dougherty, Eric Nelte, Alivia Garcia (YoY candidate), RoseMary Pellegrino, Marty Peters; Upper right (l to r): BGCNSD CEO Marineke Vandervort, Jim Watkins, KC Vafiadis; Lower left (l to r): Stephanie Fletcher, Joe Harper, KC Vafiadis; Lower right: Kit Leeger
Member Joe McLeod gave an update on the recent merger between Boys & Girls Club (BGC) of San Dieguito, of which he is Chief Operating Officer, and the BGC of Oceanside to form BGC of Northwest San Diego. The merger expands the impact by improving existing services, increasing accesses, streamlining processes to reduce costs while serving a greater number of youth in northern San Diego county.

Del Mar Thoroughbred Club CEO and honorary member Joe Harper again hosted our annual Day at the Races in the Turf Club at the Del Mar racetrack. Lots of members were traveling this year, so there was an opportunity to invite Betsy Winsett (who just applied for membership) and her partner David Rawson and former member Chad Brown (Chad secures the all-important ABC permit that allows us to serve alcohol at the Sunset Soirée), as well as spouses Jim Kohn and Jennifer McDowell to thank them for behind-the-scenes support of club events. Current District Governor Diane Crawford and District Governor-Elect Luis Carranza were also our guests. President Toni Mecaro was joined by Val Myers in the winner’s circle with the winner of the Rotary Club of Del Mar race (the first on the card), Pioneer Prince. Click HERE to watch the race (watch all the way to the end to see Toni and Val in the winner’s circle).

Wednesday July 10 was cool and misty, but that didn’t stop our crew from adding a new coat of stain to protect benches and trash cans around Del Mar. Bill Rawlings headed up the team (he came with handy condiment bottles to dispense stain) that included Suzy Wagner, Walt and Linda Strangman, Suzy Wagner (she coordinated with the city), Brett Mattei, Don Fipps, Sharon Schendel, and Steven McDowell. That evening, Suzy Wagner organized a club social at Beeside Balcony and we had a great turnout.

We wrapped up the 2023-2024 Rotary Year with a Demotion Party for Matt Kurth to thank him for his successful term as club president. Matt is a neurologist, so the theme was brains. Matt gave each of the members of the Board of Directors an hourglass as a symbol of time’s passage. He then recognized Jim and Karin Davies, Patti Kurtz, Steven McDowell, Kathy Reed, and Sharon Schendel for outstanding service to the club. Suzy Wagner received the Outstanding Social Engagement Award and accepted the Exemplary Rotarian Legacy Award on behalf of Karl Wagner. Bill Rawlings received the Grand Gavel Award and Klaus Gubernator the Youth Services Award. Matt also thanked Marty Peters for his long-time service for the club and Janice Kurth for being an amazing Rotary partner. Last, Matt named Susan Maronde as Rookie of the Year and Dee House as Rotarian of the Year. He then donned the club helmet, which Bill Rawlings promises will update the memory of all presidents to enhance the metrics of their term, before handing the gavel to our incoming president Toni Mecaro.
Special thanks to Dee House for making the badges and the centerpieces, Clay Sheffrey for providing a beautiful ride for the guests of honor, Jim Davies for his fun sendup of Matt’s year, Jennifer and Steven McDowell and Toni Mecaro for their hard work with set up and cleanup, Joe McLeod for loan of the BGC tables, and Brett Mattei for providing the beautiful venue. Click HERE to see pictures of party and click HERE to see slides from the party.

The Governor’s Dinner at the Hilton Del Mar on June 24, 2024 to honor outgoing District Governor, our own Don Fipps, and induct incoming District Governor Diane Crawford was sold out. The program and the ballroom were packed. Don honored People of Action, including Val Myers and Toni Mecaro for their work on the District 5340 cruise, while PDG Scott Carr revisited memories of Don’s 2016 appearance on The Price is Right. Don didn’t win the white Tesla that day, but his command of Rotary facts won him a somewhat smaller Tesla. We were happy to see Toni Mecaro sworn in as our next president, and a bit sad to hand over the District Governor Home Club banner to members of Rotary Club of Southeast San Diego.

Matt Kurth with Jim and Kathe McClellan
We were saddened to learn of the death of our Honorary Member Jim McClennan, who passed away on June 25, 2024. Jim had been a Rotarian for nearly 50 years. Services for Jim will be held at St. Peter's Parish Hall on Friday July 12 at 2 PM. In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made in Jim's memory to the Pastoral Needs Fund of St. Peter's.

District 5340 hosted another night at The Point at Petco Park on June 25, 2024. The game had it all: a bench-clearing discussion in the first inning (lower right), followed immediately by a Manny Machado home run. There was also a manager ejection, a grand slam, and, best of all, a Padre victory. The next District 5340 night on July 30 is sold out, but seats are available for the August 20 game. Visit the District 5340 events page to buy tickets.

MAEGA President and Alumna Anna Vallez with 2024 Scholarship recipient Lilliana Hernandez Matias
The Mexican American Educational Guidance Association (MAEGA) recently awarded 45 new scholarships and 24 renewals in its 53rd year of awarding scholarships. MAEGA was co-founded in 1970 by our charter member Don Lapham and received long-time support by charter member, Dick Wheelock. This year we donated $3,000 and Lilliana Hernandez Matias was one of the beneficiaries.

Eric Nelte and RoseMary Pelligrino enjoying the March 2023 social at West End Bar & Kitchen
Our next social is Tuesday May 14 from 4PM-6:30PM. Take in views of Los Peñasquitos lagoon while enjoying the menu at West End Bar & Kitchen. Owner Sal Ercolano is one of our most steadfast participants at our Sunset Soirée, so please come to thank him and his crew for their longstanding support of our club. Click HERE to visit the Event page on our club website for additional details.
The Rotary Club of Del Mar is a registered 501c4 non-profit organization.