“Change Begins With You” was the RYLA 2024 theme and nearly 210 high school juniors from across District 5340 gathered in Idyllwild eager to learn how to make positive change. The program was packed with inspiring speakers. RYLA attendees spend most of the weekend with their “families”, groups of 8-9 students led by a Rotarian facilitator and identified by different colleges. This year a dozen Rotaractors acted as co-facilitators. Sharon Schendel led Boise State (upper left) and was happy to see one of her 2023 RYLArians, Jasmine Tran (upper right) return as an alumni. Alumni attended RYLA the previous year and work hard to bring fantastic energy to every session. Our club sponsored two Cathedral Catholic High School students and Ivan Chaban (Torrey Pines HS; upper middle), who Kathy Reed has hosted for nearly two years. Ivan was one of the stars of the RYLA weekend. Thank you to Greg Harris for all his work on the RYLA organizing committee. Consider being a facilitator next year- Encinitas Rotary Club member Linda Grensted (lower right), is in her late 70s and essentially led the dance party!