Susan Maronde gave her “Who Am I?” presentation at our February 29, 2024 meeting. She was introduced to our club by Beth Davidson, but Susan was already connected to Rotary through her father, George Lewis, who’s a dedicated Rotarian in South Florida (click HERE to see the July 2023 story about George, including a video about George’s pet portraits).
Susan is married to Mike and mother to son Harrison, who’s a freshman at Indiana University. Susan, Mike and Harrison also share their home with two Westies, Fenway and Poppy. Susan has a Bachelor’s from USC and a Master’s at University of San Diego. She just retired from Wells Fargo after a successful 26-year career.
In addition to Rotary, Susan is involved in the Del Mar Women’s Giving Collective and next year will serve as its president. Each year the Collective supports organizations with around 60,000 in grants and to date they’ve granted over $500,000. Susan will also assume a leadership role in our club in July when she will take over as Club Secretary.